
How to Use

First you need to identify candidates for memoization.

  • They should be language-level pure. Global variables are ok, but system-level global state is not (e.g. setting os.environ).

  • File IO operations should be done through FileContents (see below). Alternatively, do the File IO in a wrapper function around a pure inner function.

  • Likewise, The function and those it depends on should be relatively stable. This library can only safely use cached values over subsequent processes if the source code of those functions does not change.

  • The function should have a high rate of reused arguments.

  • The returned value should have a low data storage size.

  • The function should have a long compute time, so memoization can save a lot of work.

Note that multiple functions are cached in the same backend store. This way, a good candidate for memoization can “steal space” from bad candidates, as long as the replacement policy is decent.

Once you have your candidate, simply add memoize() to the line above the function definition. Per-function customizations go inside the parens. For example,

>>> from charmonium.cache import memoize
>>> @memoize()
... def squared(x):
...     print(f"squaring {x}")
...     return x**2
>>> squared(2)
squaring 2
>>> squared(2)

Group-wide customizations are applied after definition through MemoizedGroup(). For example, size is applied like:

>>> from charmonium.cache import MemoizedGroup
>>> squared.group = MemoizedGroup(size="100KiB")

Extra State

Sometimes, language-level closures are not enough to track state. For this, the user can supply memoize(..., extra_function_state=callable_obj). The return value of callable_obj. When it changes, then the cache for that function is dropped. However, it is generally better to use __cache_key__ and __cache_ver__ rather than extra_function_state (see Customizing Argument Keys).

State can be added to the whole system by MemoizedGroup(..., extra_system_state=callable_obj). The return value of callable_obj is a part of the 1st match subkey. When it changes, the whole cache is dropped.

Time-to-live (TTL) is a common cache policy. For example, the memoized function may be an API that you can call afresh every minute, but need to cache it between those calls. TTL can easily be supported this way at either the function or group-level by customizing extra_function_state and extra_system_state. See TTLInterval for more details.

Capturing Filesystem Side-Effects

Sadly, not all code is pure; many times, legacy code has impure side effects on the filesystem. To make legacy code memoizable, the library has a FileContents helper. This class represents a filepath and its contents.

Suppose we have the following impure function:

def copy(src: str) -> None:
    with open(src, "rb") as src_f:
        result = long_function(src_f.read())
    with open(src + "_copy", "wb") as dst_f:


We can convert this to a pure function by:

def pure_copy(src: FileContents) -> FileContents:
    # FileContents acts like a string file-name
    dst = src + "_copy"
    print("Doing copy")
    copy(src, dst)
    return dst

# The first time, we have to run the function
# This prints "Doing copy"

# The second time (if the file hasn't changed on the disk),
# @memoize emulates the file-system side-effects without running the function.
# This will not print "Doing copy."
  • FileContents has a custom hash function that includes a hash of its contents; if the src file changes, the hash changes, and pure_copy is rerun.

  • FileContents has a custom de/serialization includes the contents; when the memoization of pure_copy misses, it will run the underlying copy and store the new contents of dst. When memoization of pure_copy hits, it will deserialize those contents and write them into dst, emulating the side-effect of copy.

Usage in data pipelines

Naively, the entire input has to be hashed to retrieve or store a cached result. This can be quite annoying, if your code operates on large dataframes or numpy arrays. Instead, use a thunk which uniquely represents the data,

Suppose we have two functions:

def f(filename: str) -> pd.DataFrame:

def g(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:

df = f("filename")
df = g(df)

We would write a memoization script like this:

from charmonium.cache import memoize

def f(filename: str) -> pd.DataFrame:

# @memoizing g would have to hash the entire df.

# If the filename uniquely determines the contents of the df
# (e.g. the file is not changed between runs),
# then ideally, we should just use the filename and f's source code as a key to the cache.
# This can be done automatically by making new_g accept a "thunk" instead of accepting data.

# The type annotation is optional, but I will include it for clarity.
from typing import TypeVar, Generic
T = TypeVar("T")
class Thunk(Generic[T]):
    def __call__(self) -> T:

def g(df_thunk: Thunk[pd.DataFrame]) -> pd.DataFrame:
    df = df_thunk()
    return df

import functools
# This is essentially lazy evaluation of f.
df_thunk = functools.partial(f, "filename"))
df = g(df_thunk)
# If f's source code does not change, f("filename") will be reused.
# If f's and g's source code does not change, then g(df_thunk) will be reused.

Adapting Old Code

Suppose you wish to speed up an application which makes usage of this function called work.

def work(input1, input2):

Memoization is most effective when the function is pure, so work needs to be purified. This can be accomplished with minimal code change by creating a wrapper function that maintains the same signature, but sets up a call to a pure function.

# Old signature, new body
def work(input1, input2):

    # Defer to FileContents
    real_input1 = FileContents(input1)

    # Make a custom cache key (see `How It Works`)
    input2.__cache_key__ = lambda: ...

    # Turn global variables into parameters
    input3 = global_var

    ret = _real_work(real_input1, input2, input3)

    # Trim off output side-effects
    return ret[0]

# New signature, old body
def _real_work(input1, input2, global_var):

    # Load up side-effects into an object.
    # The object will be serialized into the cache now and deserialized whenever the function is called.
    # Deserializing should "redo" the side effect.
    output_side_effect1 = FileContents("file_I_wrote.txt")

    # Append output side-effects
    return ret, output_side_effect1

Using in a distributed system

The library can be used to reuse results between machines, but you must satisfy some invariants:

  • Use a de/serialization “pickler” that will work between the platforms in question. Consider OS, Python version, and library versions.

  • Use an ObjStore that is accessible between the machines in question. DirObjStore is accessible between machines if you provide a PathLike object that is accessible between machines. For example, Universal Pathlib provides a PathLike object representing an AWS S3 path or a GitHub path.

  • The object store should support atomic concurrent accesses to the same key.

    • If there is a write-write race, it doesn’t matter which one wins, as long as the write is atomic (not mangling together both writes). In theory, if all the functions are pure, the two written values should deserialize to the same object, although the binary representation may not be bit-equivalent.

    • If there is a read-write race, the reader should be able to see the value before the writer or after, but not during. In theory, if all the functions are pure, the pre-existing and newly-written value should deserialize to the same object, although the binary representation may not be bit-equivalent.

  • Use an appropriate lock. Without a lock, one could loose data in the following. In the following example, even though f(1) and f(2) were both computed, only one will be remembered.


    Index on disk

    Machine 1

    Machine 2



    compute f(1); local index = {1: f(1)}

    compute f(2); local index = {2: f(2)}



    read and merge index; local index = {1: f(1)} merged with {}



    write index = {1: f(1)}

    read and merge index; local index = {2: f(2)} merged with {}


    {1: f(1)}

    write index = {2: f(2)}


    {2: f(2)}

    But with an appropriate lock,


    Index on disk

    Machine 1

    Machine 2



    compute f(1); local index = {1: f(1)}

    compute f(2); local index = {2: f(2)}


    {}, locked by 1

    read and merge index; local index = {1: f(1)} merged with {}


    {}, locked by 1

    write index = {1: f(1)}


    {1: f(1)}


    {1: f(1)}, locked by 2

    read and merge index; local index = {1: f(1), 2: f(2)}


    {1: f(1), 2: f(2)}

    write index


    {1: f(1), 2: f(2)}

  • Consider setting fine-grain persistence (@memoized(fine_grain_persistence=True)). This writes the index after every successful function call, so a processes can reuse work done by a concurrent process. However, it will increase contention on the index lock.

Using the CLI

There is a CLI as well. It can memoize UNIX or other commands from the shell.


There are two classes of bugs:

  • Data is loaded from the cache when it shouldn’t be.

  • Data isn’t loaded from the cache when it should be. Generally this is more prevalent; the code is quite good at detecting source-code changes, provided all of the functions are pure.

  1. In either case, Try and isolate the problem to a minimal example, 1 or 2 function calls that triggers the undesirable behavior.

  2. Then, turn on logging.

    import logging, os
    logger = logging.getLogger("charmonium.cache.ops")
    fh = logging.FileHandler("cache.log")
    logger.debug("Program %d", os.getpid())
  3. When you run the script, you should see a file cache.log containing lines of JSON. Find the line containing "event": "hit" or "event:" "miss" for where "name" is equal to the function you are trying to memoize. Look at the "obj_key" and "key" that the cache was trying to look up.

Program 298881
{"event": "miss", "call_id": 8476881272104231217, "name": "ascl_net_scraper.lib.scrape_index", "key": [["1.2.6"], "ascl_net_scraper.lib.scrape_index", 86185585044038137470190185817543203029, 174330435704821325504748322645885609728, 180438396020953764024835219690063154758], "obj_key": 204399087203688357111758696509623522761}
  1. See How It Works for details "key"; for now it will suffice to say it is a five-tuple containing the system state, function name, function state, arguments, and argument versions. These get hashed together to a single object key that the cache will associate with this result.

  2. If this misses but you think it should hit, search up to find that object key in a prior run. There are three cases:

  • It was computed, but got deleted by "event": "evict". You ran out of space in the cache. This can be simply fixed by allocating a bigger one (see “Group-wide customization” in How to Use).

  • It was computed, but got deleted by "event": "cascading_delete". This can happen if there is a second call to the same function, but the function state changed, or if there was an "event": "index_read" which had a different function state.

    • If the function state changed, all old results may not be invalid. Let’s figure out why the function state changed in the next step.

    • Index reads attempt to merge the index on disk with the index in RAM, resolving conflicts by deferring to whichever "version" is newer (greater). Let’s figure out why in the next step.

  • It was never computed. If it was never computed, look for just the arguments (4th and 5th) element of "key". Perhaps the system changed between, which would in turn, cause the "obj_key" to change. Let’s figure out why that would change in the next step.

  1. If you are trying to figure out why a segment of the "key" takes a particular value, see the debugging help in charmonium.freeze.

Other Behaviors

By default, the index entry just holds an object key and the object store maps that to the actual returned object. This level of indirection means that the index is small and can be loaded quickly even if the returned objects are big. If the returned objects are small, you can omit the indirection by setting memoize(..., use_obj_store=False).

By default, only the object size (not index metadata) is counted towards the size of retaining an object, but if the object is stored in the index, the object size will be zero. then the metadata. Set memoize(..., use_metadata_size=True) to include metadata in the size calculation. This is a bit slower, so it is not the default.

By default, the cache is only culled to the desired size just before serialization. To cull the cache after every store, set memoize(..., fine_grain_eviction=True). This is useful if the cache would run out of memory without an eviction.

Be aware of memoize(..., verbose=True|False). If verbose is enabled, the cache will emit a report at process-exit saying how much time was saved. This is useful to determine if caching is “worth it.”

By default, I use the Greedy-Dual-Size Algorithm from [Cao et al.]_. This can be customized by specifying memoize(replacement_policy=YourPolicy()) where YourPolicy inherits from ReplacementPolicy.`

See Memoized and MemoizedGroup for details.