This feature is planned and NOT yet implemented. Please give me feedback through GitHub issues if you have any suggestions regarding it.

memoize [--obj-store path] [--env env] [--key key] [--ver ver] [--comparison (mtime|crc32)] [--replacement gdsize] [--max-size '123 MiB'] [--verbose] -- command arg1 arg2 ...

The following items are matched in order.

  1. --obj-store (implicitly lookup)

  2. --env (match)

  3. command (lookup)

  4. The contents of command (match)

  5. arg1, arg2, ... and --key (lookup)

  6. The input files and --ver (match)

This is useful for memoizing parts of a shell-script pipeline. stdin and stdout work just like normal files, so it can be safely used in a pipe.

command may require stdin, but no TTY interactivity.

memoize uses syscall interception to learn the input and output files.